Our appreciation & gratitude extended to:

Effective Friday, January 10, the play time at Fairview School will be 7-9 pm "OPEN" play and
Sunday play from 1 - 3pm will change to "OPEN" play as well.
A L L M E M B E R S T A K E N O T E .... when you pay and sign in to play, please record your name legibly. Also, please refresh yourselves with the "Description of Play" (ie. non-competitive, open, and competitive) and respect the designated play times accordingly : )
NOTE: There are a few days that there are no facilities available or there are facility changes. Members are responsible for reading the schedule and keeping track of those changes! We will share what we know, when we know, via email and the socials.
Stockade/Clifton: Feb 17 & Feb 21
Fairview: Feb 13 & 20
​February venue changes:
Wed., Feb. 19 - NO play at Stockade so we will play at Clifton
8 – 9:30am Open 1:15 – 3:15pm Non-Comp.
The City of Swift Current has sent an email to the Pickleball Club, reminding us that our scheduled court time is Monday and Wednesday from 10AM to 12 Noon. We need to be sure not to start play before 10AM and finish at 12 Noon whether our games are over or not.
Swift Current Pickleball Club
... to promote and organize pickleball play in the city of Swift Current in an organized and safe manner
Membership is open to the general public over the age of 18 years. Fees are in accordance with Pickleball Canada's fees and due annually. Members are required to hold a current membership with Pickleball Canada (link below) and Pickleball Saskatchewan. Playing fees are decided each year dependent on facility rental rates.
Current rate is $5/play.
Exact cash appreciated :)